Blustream's Product Ownership Experience Blog

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Zero-Party Data

Solving the CAC Crisis with Zero-Party Data

Blustream's intelligent, adaptive messaging platform harnesses zero-party data to deliver personalized experiences that create lasting customer...

Customer Retention

5 Customer Retainment Strategies that Work

Learn how to improve customer retention rates and increase profits for your business with these 5 proven strategies from Blustream.

Customer Success

Top Tips to Prevent Negative Reviews

In today’s increasingly digital landscape, online ratings and reviews are one of the top factors influencing purchase decisions, second only to...

Customer Success

Customer Engagement vs. Customer Experience

Remembering the customer's experience not only in the pre-sale atmosphere, but in the context of after the sale, can take your customer from being a...

Customer Success

Turning Product Fans Into Product Fanatics

The pandemic pushed retailers, and the technology companies that serve them, to think about new ways to engage & serve customers across the board. 

Customer Retention

What Is After-Sale Product Engagement?

Through after-sale product engagement, businesses can use purchased products to strengthen their customer relationships.

Customer Success

What Does Customer-Centric Mean?

Customer-centricity is an approach that emphasizes customer satisfaction at all stages of the customer experience. If you want to avoid the pitfalls...

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