Zero-Party Data

3 Ways Physical Product Teams Leverage Product Usage Data

Product usage data is the key to unlocking revenue & retention for brands selling physical products – from customer satisfaction to cross-sell and upsell.

While product usage data may already be a familiar topic for product and marketing teams selling software, understanding how customers interact with physical products has been a pipe dream for many in the industry. ‍
Until now. ‍
Product usage data is the key to unlocking revenue, retention, and referral opportunities and for brands and retailers selling physical products – from customer service and satisfaction to cross-sell and upsell.
Read how ​​the secret sauce to creating engaging, long-term relationships with customers lies in the three ‘Rs’ -- retention, revenue, and referrals.
If a brand knows how frequently a customer is using their product, then they can share real-time suggestions on how to use it and take care of it or provide purchase recommendations based on usage. The opportunities are endless!
What Product Usage Data Looks Like for Physical Products
Within physical products, marketers can review product usage data and easily segment customers based on how they are interacting with their products. This data automatically triggers personalized messages to customers, including tips, alerts, and purchase recommendations.
Product usage data is the foundation of a successful after-sale product engagement strategy for physical product companies. Through after-sale product engagement, businesses can use purchased products to strengthen their customer relationships.
Music After-Sale Product Engagement Process


What does this look like in real life? Meet Alec, the proud owner of a new guitar from Brand ABC. 


1. Tips on how to best use the product, whether they just unboxed the product or have been using it for years.

Alec just opened up his new guitar. His phone pings with a video showing him how to string his new instrument. Off the bat, he’s impressed that Brand ABC has proactively reached out to him with this educational video! 

2. Alerts based on how frequently they are using the product or where they are located. 

A storm is headed to Alec’s area. While he’s busy battening down the hatches, he notices a new message from Brand ABC. The team recommends he move his instrument away from any windows to avoid leaks or drips. Great suggestion, he thinks, and makes sure his guitar is safely tucked away in its case. 

3. Purchase recommendations based on overall product usage. 

‍‍Alec has been jamming on his guitar every day for the past six months. He’s focused on landing a new chord progression, but his phone buzzes with a new Brand ABC message. He knows that the company has been sending helpful messages, so he immediately opens the message. Brand ABC has congratulated him on how quickly he has picked up this new instrument and mentioned that it may be time to restring the guitar, with a link to purchase new strings. Alec immediately purchases the new strings, and then texts his friend who is thinking about getting a guitar of his own about Brand ABC. 

Introducing the Blustream Product Engagement Platform 

The Blustream Product Engagement Platform is a first-of-its-kind platform that allows marketers and product teams selling physical products to have a real-time understanding of product usage and after-sale product engagement. With Blustream, companies selling physical products can develop product-based customer connections to boost revenue, decrease churn and drive long-term customer relationships. 

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