Blustream Case Study

Blustream Powers Blue Shark Trading's Automated Product Experience

With Blustream, Blue Shark Trading can tailor its SMS messaging campaigns to each aquarium owner to ensure only the most useful information is delivered.

How many fish owners experience the death of their fish within the first thirty days? 

The shocking answer: 50% of fish perish within their first 30 days. 

That’s where Blue Shark Trading comes in. 

Blue Shark Trading sells products like water treatment, filtration media, treatments, acrylic care, and products for both freshwater and marine water aquariums, so pet owners can maintain and enjoy happy, healthy fish in happy, healthy aquariums.

However, Blue Shark Trading goes beyond selling aquarium care products. Blue Shark Trading is dedicated to solving the common challenges of fish ownership, which is why Blue Shark Trading is partnering with Blustream. 

Blustream allows pet business owners to connect with their customers using personalized product messages. With Blustream, Blue Shark Trading can tailor its SMS messaging campaigns to each and every aquarium owner, to ensure only the best, most useful, and timely information is delivered. 

The Blue Shark Journey with Blustream

The Blue Shark Journey is an SMS text messaging campaign of content and tools designed to help aquarium owners, from beginner to expert, track their progress and have a safer, more enjoyable fish-ownership experience.  

From a business perspective, Blue Shark Trading also wanted to use Blue Shark Journey to expand its customer relationships and create lifelong clients.

So, how did Blue Shark Journey help achieve both of these goals?

First, Blue Shark Trading improved customer engagement (and brand satisfaction) by engaging with the customer early on, from their very first interaction with Blue Shark Trading. 

By sending personalized SMS messaging early on to customers, Blue Shark Trading was able to learn more about a customer and their pets, and serve as an initial resource in the first 30 days of a fish’s life – a critical moment to keep a fish alive. 

Not only did this build better brand-client relationships, but it also improved the challenges of fish ownership for so many customers. 

In addition to communicating with customers early and often, Blue Shark Trading also made a point to only deliver the most useful, relevant content to customers, along with a promise to never clutter up an inbox. 

To keep this promise, the SMS messaging of Blue Shark Journey both broadens and deepens fish owners' aquarium-keeping knowledge and delivers surprising facts and tips many fish might not know, but will benefit from.

The Blue Shark Journey SMS campaign delivers useful information to new and seasoned fish owners alike, including:

  • Best tank dimensions and placement

  • Correct feeding times and food types

  • The ins and outs of water conditioners 

  • The best cleaning techniques, for everything from gravel to the tank

  • How to solve common, but fish-threatening issues like bacteria blooms, toxin removal, alkalinity removal and disease

  • Product recommendations for additional, useful tools for aquarium owners

  • Key challenges to keeping fish alive

By sending out a steady stream of relevant, useful SMS messages, aimed at helping fish owners keep their fish happy and healthy, Blue Shark Trading is both building its business and improving its customers’ lives. A true win-win.

A Story of Success

Since working with Blustream, Blue Shark Journey has experienced an engagement rate of 55% for customers involved in the SMS messaging campaign. 

Customers are most likely to respond with answers to question-based texts and are also likely to cross-purchase recommended products. Even better? Blue Shark Trading has a 100% retainment rate.

But, the success story of Blue Shark Trading is not uncommon. 

In fact, a dedicated SMS messaging campaign is one of the best ways to engage, retain, and create lifelong customer relationships. 86% of businesses report high engagement with SMS versus email, which is probably because 66% of consumers prefer SMS over Email. 

Additionally, it’s important to note that consumers are 4.5x more likely to reply to an SMS message than an email. As a business owner, that last statistic is especially important when you think about the importance of growing positive online reviews.

“We’re thrilled to be working with Blustream. If you’re a business owner seeking to build lifelong customer relationships, Blustream’s technology is the way to go. For Blue Shark Trading, Blustream’s technology is a key component to our success.” 

Get started with Blustream

From keeping pets happy and healthy, to educating owners on the frequency of aquarium cleaning, you can be by your pet parents’ side each step of the way.

Ready to connect with your customers? 

Get started with Blustream today:

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